
三上 亮(みかみ りょう)



 2007年までカメラータ・リジー、カメラータ・ローザンヌのメンバーとしてヨーロッパ各地で活動後、2011年まで札幌交響楽団のコンサートマスター、New Kitaraホールカルテットのメンバー。現在はゲストコンサートマスターとして全国のオーケストラから招待される他、2008年に発足したヴィルタスクヮルテットのファーストヴァイオリン奏者を務めている。また小澤征爾氏の元、サイトウキネンオーケストラ、水戸室内管弦楽団への参加や、日本音楽コンクールの審査員など、幅広く活躍している。
使用楽器は1628年製 N.アマティ。

2008年にフォンテックよりリリースしたデビューCD「ツィガーヌ」は毎日新聞紙上で「若手ヴァイオリニストのデビューCDとして他を圧倒している」と絶賛されるなど好評を博した。2013年にはフレンチソナタ集「奏」をALM Recordsよりリリースすると共に、巨匠イェルク・デームス氏とデュオリサイタルを開催した。2016年、ピアノの近藤嘉宏氏のCD「サティスファクション」(レコード芸術誌特選盤)にて氏と共演している。

 ヴィルタス・クヮルテットとしては2014年に「Decending Dragon」をリリース。本拠地いわきでの年数回の定期演奏会をはじめ、東京、相模湖、横浜、札幌などでの演奏会や、各地でのラ・フォル・ジュルネ出演など活動の場を広げている。


Ryo Mikami leads career as an international soloist and chamber musician.
After performing in Europe as a member of Camerata Lysy, he returned to Japan to serve as a concertmaster of Sapporo Symphony Orchestra (2007-2011), including European tour 2011 in Munich, Dusseldorf, Rome, and London. Also, during this time he was a member of New Kitara Hall Quartet (2009 to 2011). In 2011, he made Tokyo his home base, and since, has been invited as a guest concertmaster of more than 10 orchestras such as Tokyo City Philharmonic, Kyoto Symphony, Osaka Philharmonic, Tokyo Mozart Players. He is an invited member of Saito Kinen Orchestra, voted the world's 19th greatest orchestra by a panel of critics assembled by Gramophone Magazine (2008), and in 2011, performed twice at the Carnegie Hall with Seiji Ozawa. He works with Maestro Ozawa in Seiji Ozawa Matsumoto Festival, and has been invited by Maestro to the Mito chamber orchestra since 2016.
As a soloist, Ryo was featured with Lausanne Chamber Orchestra, Tokyo City Philharmonic, and Sapporo and Tokyo symphony orchestras. Ryo released numerous albums: his ‘Tzigane' in 2008 was named as an “overwhelming debut CD” in The Mainichi Japan, the French Sonata Album (2013) reviewed by "Music contemporary" focused on “particularly impressive elegant serenity and dynamics, showing the strength of the core,” Satie-sfaction (2016), and the new album with Violoncello to be released this year.
Ryo is a 1st violinist of the Virtus Quartet since its founding in 2008, receiving Vienna Philharmonic and Suntory Music Aid Award in 2013. In upcoming season, he will lead quartet performing all Beethoven quartets in public for the 2nd time. A prize winner of Stradivarius Competition (2005), Britten International Competition (2004), and the Music Competition of Japan (1998), he serves as a member of the juries of the Music Competition of Japan, the most prestigious competition in the country.
He studied with Alberto Lysy (International Menuhin Music Academy 2006-2007), Pierre Amoyal (Conservatoire de Lausanne 2004-2007), Eduard Schmieder (Meadows School of the Arts, Southern Methodist University 2001-2003), Seiji Kageyama (Tokyo University of the Arts 1995-1999). Since 2016 he has been playing on Nicolo Amati made in 1628.